Official Stacking for Buying and Selling CryptoCurrency INACoin. Legal and Reliable

INA Coin CryptoCurrency Belongs to Putra Bangsa & UMKM Partners and BAPPEBTI Partners

INACOIN Is a Bitcoin Indonesia, a new breakthrough in the world of Cryptocurrency in Indonesia, a work of the nation in the field of financial technology (fintech) using Blockchain technology. Aiming to develop the nation's creative economy, especially the MSME sector to create new entrepreneurs in all fields by utilizing the latest technologies such as cryptocurrency and blockchain technology. By carrying the vision of "PEOPLE'S ECONOMY".



I. INACOIN Work Program:

1.    INACOIN Is a Cryptocurrency by the Indonesian Nation's children in the field of Financial Technology (Fintech) using Blockchain technology.

2.    Head Office of PT Indoco Solusi Pratama Tbk, Address: Puri Mansion block B 53 DKI Jakarta, which is an official INACoin Exchanger.

3.    INACoin Lounching in July 2018 was opened directly by the Head of BAPPEBTI (Indonesian Commodity Futures Trading Supervisory Agency) which is the official institution of the Indonesian Ministry of Trade.

4.    INACoin will partner with UMKM to create new entrepreneurs by utilizing the latest technologies such as Cryptocurrency and Blockchain Technology, with the vision of "PEOPLE'S ECONOMY PRO".

5.    INACoin will be a payment instrument for PPOB, TOUR TRAVEL and other Merchants in Indonesia such as Indomart, Alfamart.

Terobosan Baru Dunia Cryptocurrency di Indonesia (INACoin-Bitro-BitCoin)

6.    INACoin will be traded on the Indonesia Futures Exchange.

7.    INACoin will partner with several banks and cooperatives in Indonesia, so INACoin can be used as collateral for loans with a minimum loan of IDR 10 million.

8.    INAcoin will be traded in several Exchangers (Cryptocurrency Markets) in the world, including the London Stock Exchange, UK which will be signed by the MOU in Singapore around October.

9.    The price of 1 INACoin during Lounching in July 2018 ± Rp. 15,000, - and today in September the price of 1 INA Coin reaches ± Rp. 107,000.

10.  Indoco Exchanger Target is at least June 2019 the price of 1 INACoin is at least Rp. 15,000,000 (USD $ 10,000).

11.  The amount of INACoin traded is only 1,800,000 INAcoin (1,500,000 (Stacking / being sold) and 300 INAcoin Free is distributed to members who open an INACoin account (limited amount).

12. The total number of INACoin in the world is 18 million - 1.8 million already circulating = so the remaining 16.2 million will be mining (mined).

13. If there is a total of 21 million in Bitcoin (the total amount of CryptoCurrency cannot be increased), so seeing a relatively smaller amount than BitCoin, INACoin's CryptoCurrency price will exceed the Bitcoin price.

14. Starting from all the programs, Bismillah we are sure that INACoin prices will soar.

15. Download the application: INACOIN on Playstore, After the email is verified.

If you want to help open an INACoin Account, send data to the Admin in the Mobile Number below, namely:

1) Photo half body as shown above (the name must be the same as the Bank's book and the signature must be clear).
2) KTP / SIM that is still valid in the photo
3) Bank Account and Name written in the Bank Account

Click here ->: Free to Join CryptoCurrency INACOIN Or Copy Paste Link:

Flag Counter

Total Supply of INAcoin only exists: 1,800,000, but the Stacking (sold) 1,500,000 INAcoin and Free INACoin: 300,000 (which is shared free of charge to each new member who registers (limited amount). And within a maximum of 10 days there must be a deposit / Investment of 10 INAcoin and if not, INACoin Free will be withdrawn by the system automatically.


lFlashback is behind many of our brothers who suffered losses from a business. In business there is a risk with the term we must be prepared to face 1000% profit or even more but also must be prepared to face 100% losses. But just being silent or complaining about past events clearly does not provide a solution or restore as before, but we still have to be Enthusiastic, Rise and Forward to meet the future to be better. By having some CryptoCurrency like INACoin as a future digital asset, we hope and are optimistic that we will be able to restore the minimum capital investment or business capital loss of the past, but believe me you will get even more success from INACoin whose prices will continue to rise uphill. Take advantage of this opportunity.


II.  For Stacking (Saving) and Inviting New Members There are Daily

    Commissions and  Reward:

1) Bonus Referral Sampai 5 Level

2) Bonus Stacking

- Level 1 = 10%
- Level 2 =  5%
- Level 3 =  5%
- Level 4 =  5%
- Level 5 =  5%

- Deposit      50 INA - 1.000 INA = ROI 0,75 % Per Day
- Deposit 1.001 INA - 5.000 INA = ROI 1 %      Per Day
- Deposit 5.001 INA -  Dst          = ROI 1,25 % Per Day
- Stacking Project Contract for 180 days


3) Stacking Promotion

1. Accumulation of turnover group 100,000 INA coin Get a Mitsubishi Xpander car, from a minimum of 3 lines  and if there is a line below it can get a car then the turnover break (not counted).
2. Umroh / Holy Land (Invites 10 people and duplicates occur and a minimum of Deposit 50 INAcoin per member)
3. Ended until December 2018


1. STACKING is Storing (Deposit) and holding coin in wallet / wallet
2. To get all Commissions, the account must be active and have at least 10 INAcoin
3. Members who are Passive (Staking Project) for 10 days have not made a Deposit, then all Commissions will be deleted by the system.


III. How to open an INACOIN account, it's free (currently there are InaCoin Free 5 Rewards when registering)

1. Click here ->: Free to Join CryptoCurrency INACOIN

    Or Copy Paste Link:

2. Fill in the data:
    - Full Name: (As per your Account name at the Bank)
    - Email Address: (Your email)
    - Password: (Password equalized)
    - Repeat Password: (Repeat Password)
3. Click: √ (Check): I agree .......
4. Click: Register
5. Click: Register Now
6. Click: OK
7. Check email: INACOIN - New Member Register
8. Click: View entire message
9. Appears: For verification, please click or copy the following address in your browser (Click the link)
10. Mucul: Email has been verified successfully!
11. Login:
      - Email: (fill in the password)
      - Password: (top up password)
      - Check: Always Login
12. Click: Login
13. Appears: Welcome Join
14. Click: OK


(Registration can we help. Free: Send your name according to the name in the bank account, your email, mobile number to the mobile admin number below. And you will receive an email for verification)


IV. How to Login INACoin:

1. Open:
2. Click: Login (bottom left)
3. Fill in:
     - Your email
     - Your password
4. Click / Check: Always Login
5. Click: Login


V. How to View Network Development Links (Referrals):

1. Login INACoin (
2. Click: Referral
3. Click: Get Referral Link
4. Appears: Referral Link: Copy and save your Referral Link for network development.


VI. How to View the INACoin (Account) Address:

1. Login INACOIN (
2. Click: inacoin (See left below Wallet)
3. See: Inacoin INA (Balance Wallet)
4. Click: Copy
5. Paste it to the Location that will fill your INACoin Balance.
     - Suppose you buy INACoin to Sponsor, then Paste / send to WhatsApp (WA) Sponsor
     - Suppose you buy into an Exchanger, Paste your INACoin address (this is the same as your account)

Click Here Free Register 



Click Here Free Register 


Click Here Free Register 

VII. How to Buy INAcoin on Indoco Exchanger:

1. Login INA (
2. Click: Buy Inacoin (Purchase of INAcoin cannot be via Web inacoin:
3. INAcoin purchases can be through Sponsors or Members who have INAcoin inventory.
5. Purchasing INAcoin can be done through Indoco Exchanger (Market Market), how to:

    - Look at :   (See Numbers XII)


VIII. How to Buy Through Sponsor / Member Transfer to

       INACoin in Wallet Balance:

1. Login INACOIN

    - Look at :

      (See Numbers XIII and XIV)


IX. How to see the Investment


1. After Login (
2. Click: Order Staking
3. Look at the top right


X. How to Sell INACOIN:

1. Login at Indoco.
2. Click: Marketplaces (On the left)
3. Click: INA / IDR
4. See: Sell Inacoin
     - Inacoin balance: (automatic)
     - Total Inacoin: (fill, copy)
     - Price: (automatic)
     - Cost: (automatic)
     - Estimation: (automatic)
5. Click: Sell Inacoin
6. Look below: Open Orders (meaning Selling Pending Position, if it has been sold it will enter the balance)
     - Click: asset balance (See IDR), if you have already been in IDR, you can transfer to Local Bank

Bagaimana Melakukan Pendaftaran, Stacking, Transfer, Withdraw, ... di INACOIN


XI. How to Transfer Fee Stacking INAcoin to INACoin on Indoco:

1. Login INA (
2. Click: inacoin
3. See Transfer (right)
4. Wallet Balance Destination Address: (fill in the destination INA address)
     - Nominal: (content, minimum 50 INA)
     - Description: (can be documented)
5. Click: Submit
6. Click: OK


XII. How to Stacking (save / deposit INACoin):

1. Login INACoin (
2. Click: Order Stacking
3. See: Amount Stacking
4. Nominal Input, minimum 50 INA
5. Click: Start
6. Click: OK (Successful)
7. See History (below). Status: Proccess
8. Finish, every day you will receive a Fee (go to Withdrawal Wallet)

Stacking Advantages:
1. Get a daily commission / fee, which will increase the amount of INACoin they have.
2. Earn income from the difference in price when buying and selling when prices rise high.



XIII. Why choose INA Coin:
1. Coin the work of the nation's children
2. On the website the Owner profile is displayed
3. Owner experienced in their field.
4. Domain website on behalf of the Owner
5. Blockchain itself
6. Not an ICO coin
7. The office is in Jakarta
8. Marketing Plan with a small system load (Matahari system)
9. Expander Car Rewards (250 million)
10. Cheap capital, purchasing coins starting from 5 coins (75rb)
11. There is no broker / broker realtor because of buying coins through the website
12. Purchase coins through BTC, even IDR (Bank transfer)
13. July release of Internal Changer

Click Here Free Register 

14. Professional management
15. The launching was opened by the Head of BAPPEBTI (Indonesian Commodity Futures Trading Supervisory Agency) and Managing

      Director  BBJ (Jakarta Futures Exchange) which is an official government institution
16. Massive development (owner willing to go down)


XIV. Important To Know Members:

1. If not for Stacking purposes (deposit / save) on the INACoin Web, do not transfer to the INACoin Web.
2. If the purpose is to wait Increase the price of INACoin to sell / withdraw at any time, then the INACoin balance is saved on the Indoco Exchange only.
3. The INACoin Web Purpose is only for Stacking.
4. All INACoin transfers to INACoin Web will enter Balance Wallet.
5. The balance on the Balance Wallet cannot be withdrawn or transferred, except in Stacking.
6. Minimal Stacking 50 INACoin, so less than 50 INACoin on the Balance Wallet Balance must wait.
7. Commissions (Fee) and Principal Deposits that are Stacking (Save) will go to the Daily Withdrawal Wallet.
8. The balance in this Wallet Withdrawal can be transferred to the Exchanger (market) for WithDraw.
9. Read below (Look Number XV)


XV. Why Must Have 2 Accounts, INACoin and Indoco Exchanger:

1. INACoin account for:

    - Stacking (Storing / Depositing) INACoin of at least 50 INACoin and getting a Fee every day for 180 days, the number of INACoin will

    - INACoin entry balances are automatically saved in Wallet Balance and can no longer be issued for any reason, except in Stacking.
    - The results of Stacking will automatically enter the Widrawal Wallet Balance (in the form of Fee and Deposit Principles for 180 days

      Stacking time). From this Widrawal Wallet can only

      be transferred or in Withdraw to Indoco.


2. Indoco Exchanger Account for:

    - Is a Selling Market, Buy CryptoCurrency.
    - Including INACoin can be bought and sold into another CryptoCurrency or become IDR (Rupiah)
    - IDR (Rupiah) or other world currencies can be transferred to Local Bank (1 X 24 Hours, but in fact less than 3 hours have been entered

      into a Local Bank account).


XVI. To see if our INACoin balance is in "Wallet Balance: on the INACoin Web:

1. Open:
2. Click: Login (bottom left)
3. Fill in:
    - Your email
    - Your password
4. Click / Check: Always Login
5. Click: Login
6. Click: inacoin (click below Walllet)
7. See Balance Wallet
    - If the INACoin balance is here, then it cannot be withdrawn Unless you have to add to the shortfall (total 50 INA for Stacking)
8. See: Withdrawal Wallet.
    - Stacking results in the form of the main Fee + will go to Withdrawal Wallet (automatically by the system)
    - This can be transferred to Indoco Exchanger (Buy and Sell)
    - Stacking will be closed by the end of December 2018


XVII. Difference between Wallet Balance and Withdrawal Wallet:
I.  Wallet balance:
1. Receive 5 INA free coins
     2. Receive purchase of INA using IDR bank transfer media
     3. Used for stacking / mining
     4. Receive referral bonuses
     5. Receive transfers from other members
     6. Can not be used to transfer to other users

II. Wallet Widrawal:
1. Can not accept transfers from other users
     2. Receive a daily Stacking / Mining Bonus
     3. Receive Staking Level Bonus
     4. Send balances to other users or to exchangers on
     5. Vulnerable transfers between 50-1000 INA
     6. Transfer fee is 2% of the amount transferred
     7. Maximum transfer delay of 1x24 hours
     8. The transfer process cannot be canceled
     9. We will not be responsible if an error occurs in the delivery of either shipment
         on wallet withdrawal


XVIII. For Faster and Safer Buy INACoin Through Sponsor / Member. How to Count:

Buy 10 INACoin
Price of Market Places @ Rp128,000 (Prices Always Change)
Buy 10 INA X @ Rp128,000 = Rp 1,280,000
Official transfer fee: 1.5% = Rp. 19,200
The total cost is Rp. 1,299,200


Buy INACoin IDR 2,000,000
Price of Market Places @ Rp116,000
Official transfer fee: 1.5% = Rp. 30,000
IDR 2,000,000 - IDR 30,000 = IDR 1,970,000
Rp 1,970,000: @ Rp116,000 = 16,9827 INACoin


To be fast and safe, you can go to the Sponsor:
Transfer to Mandiri Account: Account Number: 164-000-169-362-3. Irwanto (But first confirmation, availability of stock)
If you have transferred info to WhatsApp: 0817 022 8080
- Prices can change according to Market Places


Register for INACoin Account (WhatsApp)


Register for INACoin Account (E-mail)



Click Here Free Register 

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